(UPDATE: This story is no longer available on Bluedaze at the link above, but please read an update in the Comments below. ~ October 5, 2014 ~ Westchester Neighbor)
We know for certain that our neighbors in northern Westchester have been "targeted." We're not certain how many others received this mailing in Grand Prairie, TX. The meeting is scheduled during a very busy time for most of us. Tomorrow ~ Tuesday evening (December 7th) beginning at 6 PM.
It is an attempt to divide neighbors and neighborhoods. Don't be fooled. Get informed. E-mail us if you have questions. westchesterneighbor (at) gmail.com. (The "at" is the "@" sign.) Or ask your question in the comments for this post.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
Here's the lovely invitation. We wonder if they'll offer dinner since it's so early in the evening. Don't see a menu on the invitation. Not even snacks or drinks??!!!